This intimate ship carries the most modern navigational and safety equipment and features just 28 comfortable cabins. Excellent use is made of gleaming teak and brass fittings throughout – it’s the perfect way to explore a relatively unexplored part of India in real style. Our eight-day Ganges river cruise covers 650 kilometres enabling discovery of parts of this enormous country only just opening up to international visitors, where you are still treated as a guest and almost a curiosity rather than a tourist. You’ll experience something which many of us have lost touch with: a much slower and simpler pace of life. This is reflected in the rhythm of your days on board the RV Bengal Ganga with ample time to just relax on the ship as most days include several hours’ sailing. Shipboard activities include the chef’s cooking demonstrations, lectures on contemporary Indian life, religion and culture and some fascinating documentaries in the evenings. Life on board is unhurried and informal, with plenty of time to get to know your fellow travellers over a refreshing drink on deck.